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Michelle King (she/her)
Profound Intellectual & Multiple Disabilities (Carer)
Place of Birth: Australia
Current location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Age: 49 years old
Language/s: English only
NDIS Participant: Yes (Daughter)
Diagnoses: Carer of daughter with Lissencephaly, cerebral palsy & epilepsy.
Healthcare Access: Primary Health Care, Allied Health, Mental Health, Secondary and Tertiary care
Michelle is a sociologist and lawyer completing a PhD in Law at the Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Queensland University of Technology. Her work explores citizenship, capacity and decision-making in the legal and administrative transition to adulthood of people with profound intellectual disabilities. She takes a critical, transdisciplinary and inclusive approach to understanding the governance of legal capacity and intellectual disability in a range of contexts, including healthcare, financial services, social services, education, income support, and the NDIS. She is a researcher, educator and advocate in disability law, policy, and practice, and has extensive socio-legal research experience, particularly in qualitative and inclusive methodology and methods.
Michelle brings lived experience in complex disability and health care as a parent, advocate, and supporter of her 23-year-old daughter Daelle, who has profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Her particular interests are complex health care, transition between child and adult services and systems, and decision-making capacity. Michelle serves as a consumer advocate on several Queensland and National projects and committees, including on the Consumer Advisory Group of Health Consumers Queensland, as a consumer member of the Adolescent and Young Adult Care Subnetwork of the Queensland Health Child and Youth Clinical Network, and as a consumer advisor for the national research networks: Child UnLTD and CP Achieve.
Lived Experience Roles:
Member - Health Consumers Queensland Consumer Advisory Group (2021-current)
Consumer Representative - Queensland Child and Youth Clinical Network (2020- current)
Consumer Advisor - CP Achieve (2021 to current)
Consumer Representative - K2A Alliance Consumer Board (2021 to current)
Committee Member - International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) Ethics and Intellectual Disabilities Special Interest Research Group. (2019 to current)
Convenor Early Career Researchers - IASSIDD (2019 to current)
Committee Member - Queensland Divisional Committee for Australian Society for Intellectual Disability (ASID) (2020 to current)
Member - NDIS Self-management Advisory Group for Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) (2019 to 2020)
King, Michelle, ‘Dedifferentiation and Difference: People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)’ (2020) Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2020.
Bunker, David and King, Michelle, ‘How Digital Records Can Transform Life for a Child with Profound Health Needs’ (2019) 24 Health Voices: Journal of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia, Special Issue - The Healthy Trio: Safety, Quality & Literacy.
Taylor-Sands, Michelle, Smith, Malcolm, Fraser, Harriet and King, Michelle, ‘Non-Medical Sex Selection in Australia: Public Views and Bioethical Concerns’ (2018) 18(2) QUT Law Review 44.
Johnstone, Richard and King, Michelle, ‘A Responsive Sanction to Promote Systematic Compliance? Enforceable Undertakings in Occupational Health and Safety Regulation’ (2008) 21 Australian Journal of Labour Law 280-315.
Johnstone, Richard and King, Michelle, ‘A Responsive Sanction to Promote Systematic Compliance? Enforceable Undertakings in OHS Regulation’ (2008) (Working Paper 58: National Research Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, Canberra).
Conference Papers & Seminars:
King, Michelle, ‘”I Do it for Nothing,” Parents as Case Managers,’ (Living With Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University, Seminar Series, February 2021).
King, Michelle and Bunker, Daelle, ‘The Transition to Adulthood Project: Adventures in Becoming a Legal Adult - Personal and Research Perspectives,’ (Conference Paper, Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability (ASID) Conference, November 2019, Adelaide).
King, Michelle, ‘De-differentiation, Difference and Decision-Making: A Socio-Legal Perspective on the Transition to Adulthood of People Living with Severe Intellectual Disability,’ (Conference Paper, World Congress, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), August 2019, Glasgow). PROCEEDINGS: King, Michelle, ‘De‐differentiation, Difference, and Decision‐making: A Socio‐legal Perspective on the Transition to Adulthood of People with Severe Intellectual Disability’ (2019) 63 Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 734. DOI:10.1111/jir.12656
King, Michelle, ‘Among the Outliers: A Socio-Legal Exploration of Citizenship and the Transition to Adulthood of People with Severe Intellectual Disabilities in Australia,’ (Conference Paper, World Congress, IASSIDD, August 2019, Glasgow). PROCEEDINGS: King, Michelle (2019) Among the Outliers: A Socio‐Legal Exploration of Citizenship and the Transition to Adulthood of People with Severe Intellectual Disabilities in Australia, Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63: 815-827. DOI:10.1111/jir.12661
King, Michelle, ‘Among the Outliers: A Socio-Legal Perspective on the Transition to Adulthood for People with Disability,’ (Conference Paper, ASID Conference, November 2017, Hobart).
King, Michelle, ‘A Personal and Professional Journey with Epilepsy,’ (Invited Speech, Epilepsy Queensland AGM, November 2016).
King, Michelle, ‘Among the Outliers: Socio-legal Transition to Adulthood with Profound Intellectual Disabilities,’ (Conference Paper, ACHLR QUT, Symposium, October 2016).
Carmichael, Jim, King, Michelle, and Johnstone, Richard, ‘Workplace Health and Safety Enforceable Undertakings: The Administration of this Option in Queensland’ (2007) (Conference Presentation, Sixth National OHS Regulatory Research Colloquium, Australian National University, February, 2007)
Johnstone, Richard and King, Michelle, ‘How do Enforceable Undertakings Work? An Exploration and Review of the Operation of Enforceable Undertakings as an Enforcement Strategy in Workplace Health and Safety Queensland’ (2007) (Report, Workplace Health and Safety, Queensland).
Clarke, Kaye and King, Michelle, ‘SPELD QLD Workshop Assessment 2005’ (2005) (Report, SPELD Qld, Queensland Department of Education).
Clarke, Kaye. and King, Michelle, ‘Final Report: SPELD Direct Services Agreement 2004’ (2004) (SPELD Qld, Queensland Department of Education).
Daelle's Profile - Michelle's Daughter
'How digital records can transform life for a child with profound health needs' - Health Voices Co-Authored by Michelle
'Dedifferentiation and difference: People with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)' - Michelle publication in Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability
The Transition to Adulthood of People with Severe Intellectual Disabilities in Australia: A Socio-Legal Examination - Project website
Adventures in becoming a ‘legal’ adult with severe intellectual disabilities: personal and research perspectives - Michelle and Daelle's presentation at the Australian Society for Intellectual Disability conference
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