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Christin Young (she/her)
Neurology, Mental Health, Gastroenterology
Place of Birth: Benowa, Queensland, Australia
Current location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Age: 24 years old
Language/s: English only
NDIS Participant: No
Diagnoses: Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia, Anxiety, Undiagnosed digestive issues
Healthcare Access: Primary Health Care, Mental Health, Secondary and Tertiary care.
In Christin's teens, her world was turned upside down with the onset of distressing symptoms that would later be diagnosed as a rare neurological condition, 'Paroxymal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia' (PKD). Christin's rare disease was a genetic mutation that 'activated' when she was 13 years old and began as spasms of varying intensities (similar to 'seizures') - up to 50 per day - that impacted on her day-to-day function. Due to the nature of having a rare condition, it was a challenging 3-4 years before being diagnosed and beginning medication for management. Managing this throughout high school gave Christin unique insights into how the education system can best include and accommodate for students with diverse needs, and address the impact that physical/medical disability can have on mental health and identity. Alongside PKD, Christin began experiencing other symptoms with her digestion, in particular incontinence. This highlighted the challenges surrounding lack of diagnosis, as well as the stigma encountered by young people (in particular) who experience incontinence. Having untreatable and an undiagnosed cause for incontinence, in addition to other stressors, Christin began to have contact with the mental health system, developing compassion and understanding for the ways in which this system can better cater for young people.
Research participant for studies into Dyskinesia
Resource Development Team member for the Wellness Empowerment Movement
Featured by the Continence Foundation of Australia & 'Go Against the Flow'
Feature article and opinion piece writer
Performing Arts and Drama student for over 10 years
Volunteer in Wayfinding, Access and Inclusions for VIVID Sydney
Double Degree in Business and Design
'Incontinence is not just a 'seniors' problem' - Hireup Opinion Piece
'Christin's story - incontinence isn't just a senior's problem' - Feature in Bridge Magazine for Continence Foundation of Australia (p. 4-5)
'Bladder Leakage isn't just a 'seniors' problem' - Women's Who Go Against The Flow, Christin Feature on 'Go Against the Flow'
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