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Champion Health Agency (CHA) is a world first 'talent agency' for lived experience. We represent people with disability, chronic illness and carers to access meaningful and diverse opportunities to create transformative change by professionalising their lived experience. These opportunities can range from speaking and ambassador roles to research, consultancy and more - professionalising the expertise gathered through their experiences and providing an alternative way for people with barriers to economic and social participation to actively engage.
Currently representing people in Australia, New Zealand and England, Champion Health Agency is a social enterprise grounded in a social impact model, determined to create cross-sectoral system change through a disability, chronic illness and carers lens, by facilitating implementation of "nothing about us, without us" at all levels, in all industries.
Founded by Anja Christoffersen, who has a life-long disability, CHA creates opportunities for active engagement to form co-designed and/or consumer (patient/people) led solutions to the challenges that affect them most.
Providing personalised representation and individualised strategies based on their lived experience and interests, CHA brings diverse consumers under one roof. The current environment has seen disability advocates and consultants having to set up their own consultancies, seek out their own work, carry additional costs and stress - however CHA maximises on the synergies of uniting passions, stakeholders and shared visions, simultaneously creating ease and value for exterior stakeholders.
CHA recognises that there needs to be a shift in the way things are done, and there is great opportunity to sustainably innovate to do that. These are some of the factors that make up our why:

We exist to benefit the people we represent (with lived experience), stakeholders (beyond consumers) and the system (through our impact). CHA aims to improve efficiencies, reduce stress, make processes more streamlined and cost effective; where investment is made into the people who have the answers - the ones who are living through the challenges and want to be part of the solution.
How does CHA benefit Consumers (people with lived experience of health access)?
Sourcing diverse opportunities based on Champion's interests
Training, mentoring, professional development and career strategy
Rate negotiations and invoicing
Flexible opportunities for economic and social/community participation
Professionalisation of lived experience as a career prospect with professional support from management
Lived experience translating to financial value
Community, network and shared successes
Improve quality of life for others with chronic illness, disability and carers, as well as contribute to system-change
Cathartic process of sharing lived experience to contribute to positive change
Raise awareness of your health condition
How does Champion benefit Stakeholders (clients of Champion)?
Assistance for stakeholders in Health to meet legislative, safety and quality requirements and frameworks in relation to Health Consumers:
National Safety and Quality in Health Service Standards - Standard 2 'Partnering with Consumers'
National Standards for Mental Health Services
Human Services Quality Framework
National Strategies and frameworks
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Act 1992
Meaningful engagement and contributions from people with lived experience (disability, chronic illness and carers)
Saved cost and time usually spent in consumer recruitment, training and co-ordination
Instigation of projects and solutions that are consumer-led
Streamlined recruitment of prepared, trained and system-aware consumers, relevant to project needs
Allows staff in Community/Consumer Engagement roles to focus on internal elements of consumer engagement while CHA takes care of external
Supplying consumer proxys on short notice when needed
Streamlined invoicing
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